Athens, November 3rd 1998
Dear Morse Code friends worldwide …
The Greek Telegraphy Club was founded in October 1998, as an independent Hellenic club, aiming to promote the use of Morse Code on the ham radio bands, to encourage newcomers to our hobby to use the CW mode, and to foster and maintain friendship among radio telegraphers. The GTC is also a strong influence against efforts to eradicate CW as a mode of radio amateur communications.
Before founding a CW club in our country, we carefully monitored for a number of years the actions of similar groups and organizations in Europe and elsewhere, and finally GTC was founded, in order to support and share the common effort for the promotion, protection, and defence of Morse Code, especially under the current conditions.
Here in SV-land, ham radio exams don’t include Morse code any more. So we wish to make ourselves strong enough to fight for more popularisation our beloved (and endangered) CW code.

Even though Greece is a small country, it has a large number of well experienced CW operators, who have spent years at sea as wireless officers, serving in the merchant navy, which still remains one of the biggest fleets in the world.
Today many of them are radio amateurs, frequently using CW on the ham bands and having great fun with their favorite mode. Fortunately for us, there is also a large number of young newcomers who have fallen in love with Morse code! We think we have the duty to keep people in a continuous touch with CW, because we regard this communication language as a fundamental value in the world of Amateur Radio.
In a meeting a while ago, we discussed some issues regarding awards, contests, web site building, etc,and now we’re in a position to say that soon many of these dreams will become a reality.
At the present time, as a new “sister club”, we will be participating in events organised by other EUCW Clubs, (i.e. contests etc), doing our best for the success of all those happenings.

We also desire to establish good relations, including honest and open collaboration, between GTC (SV-CW-C), and major EU CW groups like the Deutscher Telegraphy Club e.V (DL-CW-C), Activity Group Telegrafie e.V. (AGCW-DL), FISTS, Union Francaise Telegrafie (UFT), Italian Telegraphy Club and others, in order to enhance and promote co-operation.
GTC represents the interests of Morse Telegraphy in Greece, via its close cooperation with RAAG, (Radio Amateur Association of Greece), and all other already existing smaller SV clubs.
Our Club profile is very simple.We’re an independent organization, which exclusively promotes the interest in CW in the Amateur Radio Service in our country. We welcome Greek and foreign radio amateurs in our ranks, with the prerequisite of a bona fide interest in promoting the use of Morse code on the ham bands. The GTC recognizes that there are many people whose interest on this state-of-the-art mode is just as intense, and invites them to join! There isn’t any membership fee.
The officers of the club are all the founding members, which number twenty two people. However, for the most flexible operation of the club, an executive board has been formed.
73, de Yiorgos SV1NA, GTC # 004
(on behalf of executive council GTC)
Greek Telegraphy Club
(SV-CW-C) (Since 1998)